Pay for your Bloomington Transit fare quickly and easily with your phone using the Token Transit service!
Token Transit Send a Pass is an online pass purchasing portal for Bloomington Transit. You can purchase a pass online and have it instantly sent to any rider you choose. You can now instantly deliver transit passes for your friends and family.
Rider: Adult
Pass: 1 Ride
1 Ride | |
Adult | $1.00 |
Rider: Adult
Pass: Monthly
Monthly | |
Adult | $30.00 |
Rider: Reduced
Pass: 1 Ride
1 Ride | |
Reduced | $0.50 |
Rider: Reduced
Pass: Monthly
Monthly | |
Reduced | $15.00 |
Rider: Paratransit
Pass: 1 Ride
1 Ride | |
Paratransit | $2.00 |
Rider: Paratransit
Pass: 10 Ride
10 Ride | |
Paratransit | $20.00 |
Rider: Paratransit
Pass: 30 Ride
30 Ride | |
Paratransit | $60.00 |
Rider: BLink Microtransit
Pass: 1 Ride
1 Ride | |
BLink Microtransit | $2.00 |
Name | Description |
Adult | |
Reduced |
ID Required The purchase and use of a Reduced Fare requires the presentation of a VALID Reduced Fare ID, BT-issued Student ID card, or Medicare card to the driver when boarding. Any patron not presenting one of these ID cards when boarding will be required to pay regular fare. No refunds will be given. Reduced Fare ID information and forms are available at the Customer Service desk at Transit Center, 310 Walnut Street or the Administration Office at 130 West Grimes. Additional information is available at or calling 812-336-7433. |
Paratransit |
ID Required Must be eligible for Paratransit Rides |
BLink Microtransit |
Valid for rides on BLink microtransit. Book trips at |
Name | Description |
1 Ride |
Valid for a single ride. Ticket will display for 60 minutes upon activation. |
Monthly |
Monthly passes are valid for 31 consecutive days. |
10 Ride |
Pack of 10 passes, each valid for 30 minutes after first use. |
30 Ride |
Pack of 30 passes, each valid for 30 minutes after first use. |
Purchases made with Token Transit for Bloomington Transit are subject to Bloomington Transit terms and policies. For more information on these policies you may visit or contact Bloomington Transit directly.