Pay for your Flint MTA fare quickly and easily with your phone using the Token Transit service!
Token Transit Send a Pass is an online pass purchasing portal for Flint MTA. You can purchase a pass online and have it instantly sent to any rider you choose. You can now instantly deliver transit passes for your friends and family.
Rider: General
Pass: Single Ride
Single Ride | |
General | $1.75 |
Rider: General
Pass: Single Ride w/Transfer
Single Ride w/Transfer | |
General | $1.85 |
Rider: General
Pass: Single Ride Regional
Single Ride Regional | |
General | $3.00 |
Rider: General
Pass: 30 Day
30 Day | |
General | $55.00 |
Rider: General
Pass: 30 Day Regional
30 Day Regional | |
General | $80.00 |
Rider: Reduced
Pass: Single Ride
Single Ride | |
Reduced | $0.85 |
Rider: Reduced
Pass: Single Ride w/Transfer
Single Ride w/Transfer | |
Reduced | $0.95 |
Rider: Reduced
Pass: 30 Day
30 Day | |
Reduced | $45.00 |
Rider: Student (K–12)
Pass: 30 Day
30 Day | |
Student (K–12) | $27.50 |
Name | Description |
General | |
Reduced |
ID Required For information about Reduced Fare Cards, contact the MTA Customer Service Center at (810) 767-0100. ADA Customers please complete the ADA Application. |
Student (K–12) |
ID Required Student fare passes are monthly passes used Monday through Friday during peak period service hours. In some cases, Student fare passes may be used after regular peak hours. This is approved when the school and the MTA have an agreement allowing students to use the MTA services for after school activities. |
Name | Description |
Single Ride |
Valid for a single ride. Ticket will display for 30 minutes. |
Single Ride w/Transfer |
Valid for a single ride and transfer. Ticket will display for 90 minutes. |
Single Ride Regional |
Valid for a single regional ride. Ticket will display for 30 minutes. |
30 Day |
Thirty day passes are valid for 30 consecutive days. |
30 Day Regional |
Regional thirty day passes are valid for 30 consecutive days including regional routes. |
Purchases made with Token Transit for Flint MTA are subject to Flint MTA terms and policies. For more information on these policies you may visit or contact Flint MTA directly.