Pay for your Jackson Transit Authority fare quickly and easily with your phone using the Token Transit service!
Token Transit Send a Pass is an online pass purchasing portal for Jackson Transit Authority. You can purchase a pass online and have it instantly sent to any rider you choose. You can now instantly deliver transit passes for your friends and family.
Rider: Adult
Pass: 1 Ride
1 Ride | |
Adult | $1.25 |
Rider: Adult
Pass: 1 Day
1 Day | |
Adult | $4.00 |
Rider: Adult
Pass: 20 Ride
20 Ride | |
Adult | $25.00 |
Rider: Adult
Pass: 31 Day
31 Day | |
Adult | $35.00 |
Rider: Student/Youth
Pass: 1 Ride
1 Ride | |
Student/Youth | $1.00 |
Rider: Student/Youth
Pass: 1 Day
1 Day | |
Student/Youth | $4.00 |
Rider: Student/Youth
Pass: 20 Ride
20 Ride | |
Student/Youth | $20.00 |
Rider: Student/Youth
Pass: 31 Day
31 Day | |
Student/Youth | $25.00 |
Rider: Senior/Disabled
Pass: 1 Ride
1 Ride | |
Senior/Disabled | $0.60 |
Rider: Senior/Disabled
Pass: 1 Day
1 Day | |
Senior/Disabled | $4.00 |
Rider: Senior/Disabled
Pass: 20 Ride
20 Ride | |
Senior/Disabled | $10.00 |
Rider: Senior/Disabled
Pass: 31 Day
31 Day | |
Senior/Disabled | $25.00 |
Rider: The Lift
Pass: 1 Ride
1 Ride | |
The Lift | $2.50 |
Rider: The Lift
Pass: UZA 1 Ride
UZA 1 Ride | |
The Lift | $10.00 |
Rider: The Lift
Pass: 10 Ride
10 Ride | |
The Lift | $25.00 |
Name | Description |
Adult | |
Student/Youth |
ID Required Must be 18 and under, to & from school zone or a valid college student ID. |
Senior/Disabled |
ID Required Senior Citizens/Disabled & Medicare card holders with JTA ID. Call JTA office for eligibility requirements at 731-423-0200. |
The Lift |
ID Required Riders must be eligible for The Lift. Eligibility criteria and applications are available at the JTA office: 38 Eutah Street, Jackson or via mail by calling 731-423-0200. Service is available Monday through Saturday, 6:00 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. |
Name | Description |
1 Ride |
Valid for a single ride. Ticket will display for 10 minutes. |
UZA 1 Ride |
Valid for a single ride. Ticket will display for 10 minutes. |
1 Day |
Day passes are valid until midnight. |
10 Ride |
Pack of 10 passes, each valid for 10 minutes after first use. |
20 Ride |
Pack of 20 passes, each valid for 10 minutes after first use. |
31 Day |
31 day passes are valid for 31 consecutive days after first use and expire at midnight on the 31st day. |
Purchases made with Token Transit for Jackson Transit Authority are subject to Jackson Transit Authority terms and policies. For more information on these policies you may visit or contact Jackson Transit Authority directly.