Pay for your RTA fare quickly and easily with your phone using the Token Transit service!
Token Transit Send a Pass is an online pass purchasing portal for RTA. You can purchase a pass online and have it instantly sent to any rider you choose. You can now instantly deliver transit passes for your friends and family.
Name | Description |
Adult |
Ages 19-64 |
Priority Rider |
ID Required Riders 65+ can qualify for a reduced rate by showing the driver a valid ID or passport. Riders with a disability and Medicare cardholders can qualify for a reduced rate. Before being allowed to pay this reduced fare or get free transfers, they first must apply with the RTA to receive a special ID card, be sure to bring proof of age (65+), or proof of a qualifying condition or Medicare card. When boarding, show this card to the bus or streetcar driver to pay the discounted fare. |
Youth |
ID Required Please be prepare to show an ID card. Youth is defined as (1) any person under 19 years of age; or (2) any person who is a Kindergarten through Grade 12 student. Children under age 5 ride free with a fare-paying passenger. |
Paratransit |
All qualified paratransit riders need to have an RTA Paratransit Card. For information on eligibility and applying for an RTA Paratransit Card, contact the ADA Office at 504-827-8345 or see Eligibility for Paratransit below. |
Name | Description |
Single Ride, Bus & Streetcar |
Valid for a single ride on bus & streetcar service. Ticket will display for 2 hours. |
Single Ride, Ferry |
Valid for a single ride on ferry service. Ticket will display for 2 hours. |
Regional Ride |
Valid for unlimited rides on RTA buses, streetcars, and ferries as well as Jefferson Parish Transit buses for 24 hours after first activation. |
Jazzy Pass |
The Jazzy Pass is all you need to pay your fare on RTA buses, streetcars and ferries. Options for 1, 3, 7, and 31 day passes. Get Jazzy! |
Single Ride, Paratransit |
Valid for a single ride on paratransit. Ticket will display for 2 hours. |
Name | Description |
Single Ride |
Valid for a single ride. |
1 Day |
1 Day passes are valid for unlimited rides for 24 hours after first activation. |
1 Day Regional |
1 Day passes are valid for unlimited rides for 24 hours after first activation. Valid on RTA and JeT service. |
3 Day |
3 Day passes are valid for unlimited rides for 72 hours/3 days after first activation. |
7 Day |
7 Day passes are valid for unlimited rides for 168 hours/7 days after first activation. |
31 Day |
31 Day passes are valid for unlimited rides for 744 hours/31 days after first activation. |
Walk On / Bike On |
Valid for a single ride. Ticket will display for 30 minutes. |
Vehicle Driver |
Valid for a single ride. Ticket will display for 30 minutes. |
Vehicle Driver Plus Trailer |
Valid for a single ride. Ticket will display for 30 minutes. |
Vehicle Add'l Passenger |
Valid for a single ride. Ticket will display for 30 minutes. |
Trailer Only |
Valid for the transportation of a trailer on Chalmette Ferry service, if the driver has paid separately. Ticket will display for 30 minutes. Valid only on Chalmette Ferry. |
Purchases made with Token Transit for RTA are subject to RTA terms and policies. For more information on these policies you may visit or contact RTA directly.