Regional Paratransit - OCCK
North Central Kansas, KS

Pay for your Regional Paratransit - OCCK fare quickly and easily with your phone using the Token Transit service!

Download App

How to Ride Transit Using Your Phone

  • Download your mobile app of choice from the options above
  • Purchase passes to use immediately or store them for future rides (note: an internet connection is required to purchase and activate a mobile pass)
  • As the bus approaches open your app and tap your pass to activate
  • Once onboard follow instructions in the app to validate your ticket

Send a Pass

Token Transit Send a Pass is an online pass purchasing portal for Regional Paratransit - OCCK. You can purchase a pass online and have it instantly sent to any rider you choose. You can now instantly deliver transit passes for your friends and family.


Rider: Paratransit

Pass: Base Fare

Base Fare

Rider: Paratransit

Pass: Additional 10 Miles

Additional 10 Miles

Rider Description

Name Description

ID Required

OCCK offers Regional Paratransit, origin-to-destination, on-demand service for the general public throughout North Central Kansas, including passengers with disabilities and seniors. Riders will be picked up at their address and dropped off at their destination. Passengers seeking Paratransit services in Salina are required to meet medical eligibility due to fixed route regulations.

To schedule a ride, or to obtain an eligibility application, call 826-1583 or 1-855-KSRIDES (1-855-577-4337) during business hours.

Fare Descriptions

Name Description
Base Fare

Fares are $2 per person each way in Saline County and 10-cents per mile outside Saline County. Personal Assistants ride free. Children, 10 and under, ride free when accompanied by an adult and must have an age appropriate car seat. Ticket will display for 30 minutes.

Additional 10 Miles

Fares are $2 per person each way in Saline County and 10-cents per mile outside Saline County. Personal Assistants ride free. Children, 10 and under, ride free when accompanied by an adult and must have an age appropriate car seat. Ticket will display for 30 minutes.

Regional Paratransit - OCCK Terms and Policies

Purchases made with Token Transit for Regional Paratransit - OCCK are subject to Regional Paratransit - OCCK terms and policies. For more information on these policies you may visit or contact Regional Paratransit - OCCK directly.