Pay for your Breeze Transit fare quickly and easily with your phone using the Token Transit service!
Token Transit Send a Pass is an online pass purchasing portal for Breeze Transit. You can purchase a pass online and have it instantly sent to any rider you choose. You can now instantly deliver transit passes for your friends and family.
Rider: Adult
Pass: Single Ride
Single Ride | |
Adult | $1.25 |
Rider: Adult
Pass: Day
Day | |
Adult | $4.00 |
Rider: Adult
Pass: 7 Day
7 Day | |
Adult | $20.00 |
Rider: Adult
Pass: 30 Day
30 Day | |
Adult | $40.00 |
Rider: Adult
Pass: 30 Day SCAT + MCAT
30 Day SCAT + MCAT | |
Adult | $60.00 |
Rider: Reduced
Pass: Single Ride
Single Ride | |
Reduced | $0.60 |
Rider: Reduced
Pass: 7 Day
7 Day | |
Reduced | $10.00 |
Rider: Reduced
Pass: 30 Day
30 Day | |
Reduced | $20.00 |
Rider: Reduced
Pass: 30 Day SCAT + MCAT
30 Day SCAT + MCAT | |
Reduced | $30.00 |
Rider: SCAT Plus
Pass: 1 Ride
1 Ride | |
SCAT Plus | $2.50 |
Name | Description |
Adult | |
Reduced |
ID Required Sarasota County offers half-price fixed route transit fare for seniors (age 65+), Medicare cardholders, and individuals with disabilities. Seniors and Medicare cardholders may show their photo ID (and Medicare card) to receive the reduced fare. Individuals with a disability must apply through the Gold Card application process. |
SCAT Plus |
ID Required Please be prepared to show a valid ID card. |
Name | Description |
Single Ride |
Valid for a single ride. Ticket will display for 30 minutes. |
Day |
Day passes are valid until midnight. |
7 Day |
Seven day passes are valid for 7 consecutive days. |
30 Day |
Month passes are valid for 30 consecutive days after first use and expire at midnight on the 31st day. |
30 Day SCAT + MCAT |
Month passes are valid for 30 consecutive days after first use and expire at midnight on the 31st day. |
1 Ride |
Valid for a single ride. Ticket will display for 30 minutes. |
Purchases made with Token Transit for Breeze Transit are subject to Breeze Transit terms and policies. For more information on these policies you may visit or contact Breeze Transit directly.